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Today, we will talk about self-efficacy’s Most Valuable Players (MVPs).

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Self-efficacy is basically how we dial up our belief or confidence in ourselves so that we think we can. According to Albert Bandura, the renowned psychologist who introduced the concept of self-efficacy, four components contribute to self-efficacy beliefs:

Mastery Experiences: Mastery experiences involve successfully completing tasks or achieving goals. When individuals have repeated successful experiences in a particular domain, their self-efficacy in that area tends to increase. On the other hand, repeated failures can undermine self-efficacy.”

Vicarious Learning: Vicarious learning occurs when individuals observe others performing tasks or achieving goals. By observing others who are similar to themselves succeeding, individuals can strengthen their own self-efficacy beliefs.”

Physiological and Emotional States: Emotional and physiological states can influence self-efficacy. For example, anxiety and stress can undermine self-efficacy, while positive emotions and a relaxed state can enhance it.”

Social Persuasion: Social persuasion refers to receiving encouragement, support, and positive feedback from others. When individuals receive verbal or non-verbal messages that reinforce their abilities and strengths, it can enhance their self-efficacy.”

“These four components interact and influence each other to shape an individual’s self-efficacy beliefs. By actively seeking and engaging in mastery experiences, leveraging vicarious learning, receiving positive social persuasion, and managing emotional and physiological states, individuals can cultivate and strengthen their self-efficacy beliefs, leading to increased motivation, resilience, and overall performance.”

Additional research has shown that advice (giving it), self-compassion (self-kindness + common humanity + mindfulness), and storytelling (telling yours) can also increase self-efficacy.

If you want to increase your self-efficacy or confidence, leverage the MVPs.


  • Master experiences
  • Vicarious Learning
  • Physiological and Emotional States
  • Social Persuasion
  • Advice
  • Self-efficacy
  • Story Telling
Episode 35