Steven Covey tells us to focus on our roles and goals. Tony Robins tells us to focus on categories of improvement. Brian Johnson, the founder and CEO of Heroic, tells us that those can be overwhelming, so let’s focus on the big three (energy, work, and love).
If we want to have a masterpiece life, it starts with masterpiece days. Below is a list of MVIs (minimum viable interventions) for energy, work, and love. Find something that resonates, copy, and paste it into your masterpiece day.
- 11 burpees
- 13-hour fasting window
- 5,649 steps
- Perfect breath (5.5 in, 5.5 out, 5.5x)
- 4-7-8 breath (4 in, 7 hold, 8 out, 4x)
- Digital curfew
- Stress curfew
- Caffeine curfew
- Eating curfew
- Exercise
- Walk the cat or dog
- Forest bathing – be in nature – (Shinrin-Yoku)
- Take the stairs
- Pet the cat or dog
- Don’t drink sugar
- Don’t eat flour
- Follow my nutrition protocol
- Be in bed for 7.5 hours before waking up
- Last bite of food 4 hours before bed
- Meditate
- Take a walk
- Make waves, ultradian rhythm, oscillation
- 10 minute rest time block
- Walk to the farthest bathroom in the building each time
- Make waves
- What’s important now (WIN)
- Creative before reactive
- 25 minute Pomodoro
- 50 minute deep work time block
- 10-minute rest
- Shut down complete
- Read a book summary
- Listen to 10 minutes of a podcast
- 15 minute learning time block
- Use one of my signature strengths
- #1 self-care
- Act of kindness
- Gratitude
- Hug someone
- Celebration
- Repair the relationship
- Connection time block with loved one
- Encourage someone
- Listen with full presence
- Dominate the dishes
- Make the bed
- Phone-free connection time
- Respond to a bid for attention
- Spot a strength in another
- Best possible self journaling
- Phone away when home with family
- Use one of my top 5 strengths
- Savor an experience
- Connect with a friend in real-time
- Savor a future experience
- Self-compassion (self-kindness, common humanity, & mindfulness
- Reframe – a better way of seeing this is…
- Evidence – that is not true because…
- Plan – if x, then I will y
- Good! One word reframe
- Deep breath
- Name it to tame it
- The equanimity game
- Collecting turnarounds
- Suffer = pain x resistance
- Growth mindset – I can’t do it yet
- My infinite potential exists just outside my comfort zone
- I will never be exonerated from pain, uncertainty, and hard work
- If I argue with reality I lose but only every single time
- Change strategies
- Bring it on!
- I’m excited!
- Obstacles make me stronger! (OMMS)
- Use a signature strength
- Best case, worst case, most likely scenario
- Self-compassion (self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness)
- Repair the relationship
- Victim vs creator mindset
- Take action in accordance with my values
- Permission to be human – it is not because you are you it is because you are human
- The obstacle is the way
- Stress + rest = growth
- Hope = goal + agency + multiple pathways