The Big 3×2 (Energy + Work + Love)

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On the Heroic App, Brian Johnson tells us:

“As you know if you’ve been following along and moving from Theory to Practice (en route to Mastery!) with the Heroic app, we architected the Big 3 protocol to help you get clear on who you are at your best in your Energy, your Work, and your Love. We help you set your Identity for each of the ‘Heroic Big 3’ and then we help you get clear on what VIRTUES you embody when you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself in your Energy, your Work and your Love. THEN we help you get clear on what specific Behavioral Targets you hit when you are living in integrity with those Identities and Virtues. Then, of course, we encourage you to spend a minute or three FIRST thing in the morning (EVERY MORNING!) recommitting to BEING that best, most Heroically Energized, Productive, and Connected version of yourself. It may sound too simple (and/or boring) to be effective, but early pilot research shows that spending even just a minute or three every day in the Heroic app ‘tap tap tap’ recommitting to your Big 3 protocol and then hitting as few as THREE Heroic targets you set for yourself can lead to a 40% boost in your Energy, a 20% boost in your productivity, and a 15% boost in your connection. Why? Because when you set a clear INTENTION, your ATTENTION tends to follow and you are more likely to remember to (and find ways to) DO the things you KNOW are best for you after you recommitted to them in the morning. Then, when you celebrate the micro-behavior WIN with a Target Swipe splash of dopamine, surprising goodness ensues. Don’t believe me though. Try it!”

This is the third model of well-being we have covered. Steven Covey’s roles and goals and Tony Robbins’s categories of improvement were a bit overwhelming. So Brian decided to simplify things into energy, work, and love.

What are your identities, virtues, and behaviors in energy work and love?

My identities: energy = fit to serve, work = professional programmer, and love = heroic friend.

My virtues: energy = disciplined, work = antifragile, and love = connected, grateful, hopeful, kind, self-compassionate, encouraging, and celebratory

My behaviors: see below.

Big 3×2 (energy + work + love) Masterpiece Day Checklist example:

Energy – 20-minute workout (behavior) + walk 5,649 steps (outcome).

Work – be creative before reactive.

Love – respond to a bid for attention from my wife, son, or daughter.